Thursday, March 19, 2020

Making Social Distancing Sexy

Social Distancing Made Sexy

Well, well, well -- Hello there fellow Social Distancing, Sexies!

This sucks, right?! I know, I know, thank you, Capitan Obvious.

For real though... this is pretty shitty and being stuck in our homes (not of our own volition) either working from home or worse, not being able to work at all, is a rather stressful situation no matter how you spin it.

So, what am I up to? I am currently still trekking to the office this week but will start working from home next week. This is going to free up A LOT of time for me all alone in my house so I'm going to need some stuff to do and I'm sure you will too!

I figured I ought to spread the joy. So what does that mean? That means that I will busy writing up sexy words and striking some poses too!

The first story on the docket:  It Takes Three to Tango

I promise it WON'T disappoint.